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Mandiri Forex Trader Salary Chicago

Penasihat Perdagangan Komoditi CTA. A CTA adalah individu atau organisasi yang, untuk kompensasi atau keuntungan, menyarankan orang lain mengenai nilai atau kelayakan dalam membeli atau menjual kontrak berjangka, opsi futures, kontrak forex off-exchange ritel atau swap. Saran termasuk menjalankan otoritas perdagangan atas akun pelanggan dan juga memberikan saran berdasarkan pengetahuan atau disesuaikan dengan akun minat khusus pelanggan, aktivitas perdagangan komoditi komoditi tertentu, atau jenis informasi sejenis lainnya. Pendaftaran diperlukan kecuali jika Anda telah memberikan Saran kepada 15 atau lebih sedikit orang selama 12 bulan terakhir dan umumnya tidak membawa diri Anda ke publik sebagai CTA atau Anda berada di salah satu dari sejumlah bisnis atau profesi yang terdaftar dalam Commodity Exchange Act atau terdaftar dalam kapasitas lain dan Saran Anda semata-mata berkaitan dengan bisnis atau profesi utama Anda atau Anda memberi saran yang tidak berdasarkan pengetahuan atau disesuaikan Ke akun minat khusus pelanggan, aktivitas perdagangan komoditas tertentu, atau jenis informasi sejenis lainnya, misalnya, Anda membuat rekomendasi, seperti saran untuk membeli atau menjual kontrak berjangka tertentu seandainya tingkat harga tertentu tercapai, melalui Buletin, buku dan majalah Saran tersebut mencakup rekomendasi khusus dan penerima publikasi semua menerima saran yang sama atau. Anda memberikan saran khusus melalui e-mail, faksimili, situs web Internet, telepon atau pertemuan tatap muka dengan pelanggan yang terdiri Instruksi untuk membeli atau menjual kontrak berjangka berdasarkan sistem perdagangan terkomputerisasi, yang juga tersedia untuk pembelian dan penggunaan di komputer pribadi, dan pelanggan semua menerima saran yang sama atau. Anda mengadakan seminar di mana Anda mengajar peserta bagaimana melakukan perdagangan Kontrak berjangka komoditas dibantu oleh program perangkat lunak yang Anda jual dan Anda mengundang peserta seminar untuk berpartisipasi dalam pertanyaan dan jawaban. R sesi di mana Anda memberikan saran perdagangan komoditas tanpa meminta atau menerima informasi tentang karakteristik pribadi peserta. Semua CTA terdaftar yang mengelola atau menerapkan kebijaksanaan atas akun pelanggan harus menjadi Anggota NFA untuk melakukan bisnis futures atau swap dengan publik. CTA diminta untuk mengajukan hal berikut ini. Formulir online 7-R yang telah diisi mencakup bagian keanggotaan NFA. Biaya pendaftaran yang tidak dapat dikembalikan sebesar 200 00. Annual Questionnaire. CTA Keanggotaan Dues, jika berlaku 750 00.A CTA diminta untuk mengajukan aplikasi Untuk Prinsipal dan Orang Terkait. Formulir Form 8-R. Fingerprint online yang telah diselesaikan secara online. Persyaratan Persyaratan. Biaya Permohonan Prinsipal yang Tidak dapat dikembalikan 85.00. Biaya Permohonan Associated Person yang Tidak dapat dikembalikan sebesar 85 00. Selain itu, semua CTA terdaftar yang melakukan transaksi eceran Kegiatan forex off-exchange wajib dilakukan. Terapkan untuk menjadi perusahaan forex dengan mengisi formulir online 7-R. Memiliki setidaknya satu prinsipal yang juga merupakan Forex yang disetujui. Orang yang disosialisasikan. Masukkan pembayaran iuran kantor CTA Forex Firm sebesar 2.500 atau tambahan 1.750 jika pemohon sudah menjadi Anggota NFA. Selain itu, semua CTA terdaftar yang terlibat dalam transaksi swap diharuskan untuk mengajukan sebuah perusahaan swap dengan mengisi formulir online 7- R. Memiliki setidaknya satu prinsipal yang juga merupakan Swap Associated Person yang disetujui. Biaya aplikasi tidak diperlukan jika individu saat ini terdaftar dengan CFTC dalam kapasitas apapun atau terdaftar sebagai principal dari pendaftar CFTC saat ini. Selain itu, hanya satu biaya aplikasi yang diperlukan jika individu tersebut mengajukan aplikasi sebagai Associated Person Dan Kepala Sekolah. Klik di sini jika Anda belum memiliki akses ke Sistem Pendaftaran Online. Quick Link. Fitur Informasi. NFA menerbitkan beberapa panduan untuk membantu CTA memenuhi persyaratan peraturan mereka Kunjungi perpustakaan publikasi NFA untuk daftar lengkap. Spesifikasi Khusus. CTA adalah Diwajibkan untuk mengajukan dokumen pengungkapan mereka dengan NFA secara elektronik menggunakan sistem DDOS NFA Klik di sini untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Estore Exchange Trader I Gaji. Alternate Job Titles Entry Level Pedagang Valuta Asing, Pedagang Valuta Asing I, Pedagang Valuta Asing Tingkat I. Berapa rata-rata Gaji tahunan untuk Pedagang Valuta Asing I. Bagaimana Trader Valuta Asing yang saya buat Pedagang Valuta Asing rata-rata saya sa Lary adalah 70.622 pada 22 Februari 2017, dengan kisaran biasanya antara 38.843 - 90.487 namun hal ini dapat sangat bervariasi tergantung pada berbagai faktor. Tim kami dari Certified Compensation Professionals telah menganalisis data survei yang dikumpulkan dari ribuan departemen SDM di perusahaan dari semua ukuran Dan industri untuk menyajikan kisaran gaji tahunan ini untuk orang-orang dengan judul pekerjaan Foreign Exchange Trader I di Amerika Serikat. Bagan ini menggambarkan persentase yang diharapkan dari orang-orang yang melakukan pekerjaan Pedagang Valuta Asing I di Amerika Serikat yang menghasilkan kurang dari itu Gaji tahunan Misalnya rata-rata pembayaran tahunan rata-rata untuk Pedagang Valuta Asing I di Amerika Serikat adalah 70.622, jadi 50 orang yang melakukan pekerjaan sebagai Penjual Valuta Asing I di Amerika Serikat diperkirakan menghasilkan kurang dari 70.622. Sumber HR Melaporkan data pada 22 Februari 2017. Mengenai grafik ini. Bagan ini menggambarkan persentase yang diharapkan dari orang-orang yang melakukan pekerjaan Pedagang Valuta Asing I Yang membuat kurang dari gaji itu Misalnya 50 orang yang melakukan pekerjaan Pedagang Valuta Asing I diharapkan membuat kurang dari median Sumber HR Dilaporkan data pada Maret 2017. Bertanggung jawab untuk jual beli valuta asing tepat waktu Merekomendasikan harga kompetitif. Nilai tukar mata uang asing berdasarkan kinerja pasar Ulasan pesanan untuk memastikan akurasi, pencatatan catatan yang benar, dan kesesuaian terhadap peraturan Melaksanakan perdagangan dan mengelola rekening perusahaan Membutuhkan gelar sarjana di bidang keahlian khusus dan 0-3 tahun di bidangnya atau Di bidang terkait, dan mungkin memerlukan lisensi negara Familiar dengan konsep, praktik, dan prosedur standar di bidang tertentu Bergantung pada pengalaman dan penilaian terbatas untuk merencanakan dan menyelesaikan tujuan Melakukan berbagai tugas Bekerja di bawah pengawasan umum Tingkat kreativitas dan lintang tertentu. Diperlukan Biasanya laporan ke manajer Lihat deskripsi pekerjaan penuh. Pekerjaan Terbaru. Berakhir Maret 19, 2017.Semua Tingkat Equity Traders, Floor Remote. Hold Brothers Capital, LLC. Hold Brothers Capital, LLC Anggota CBOE dan SIPC mencari pedagang ekuitas untuk bergabung dalam organisasi dan instrumen ekuitas perdagangan Pedagang dapat beroperasi dari salah satu lantai perdagangan kami atau dari jauh dari kantor rumah mereka. Dari perusahaan terkemuka di industri perdagangan hari selama 20 tahun terakhir. Tingkat komisi yang sangat kompetitif dan agresif. FREE platform perdagangan Graybox yang sangat disesuaikan yang mencakup Analytics, Grafik dan data pasar berkualitas tinggi. Batas konektivitas latency ke bursa, ECN s, ATS, Dan kolam renang yang gelap. Penawaran khusus untuk tarif pedagang, grup, dan kotak perorangan individu. Menawarkan peluang perdagangan jarak jauh dan di tempat. respons untuk lisensi sekuritas. Banyak peluang dan pembayaran teratas. Kapasitas untuk semua jenis pedagang dan algoritme. Penerator Terdaftar Selamat Datang. Beli dan siap untuk mengikuti program pelatihan kami yang kuat dan menerima pendidikan dan pendampingan yang diperlukan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari Tra-day basis Staf kami dengan pengalaman trading lebih dari dua puluh tahun memberikan pelatihan tingkat atas Dengan pelatihan kelas harian, satu per satu pendampingan, kami berdedikasi untuk menyediakan strategi dan teknik model kepada pedagang kami Perusahaan kami memberikan pendekatan sistematis, yang diuji pada sejarah Data yang pedagang, perdagangan dengan presisi dan akurasi Dengan staf setia dan dukungan teknis, kami menyediakan perangkat lunak berpemilik yang komprehensif dan canggih Pedagang kami mengumpulkan keuntungan dengan strategi kuantitatif yang teruji kembali untuk menawarkan kesempatan untuk hasil yang sangat baik. Pada saat selesainya program pelatihan, Pedagang akan segera mengalokasikan sebagian dari modal perusahaan untuk memulai karir mereka sebagai pedagang Alokasi modal ini ditinjau setiap minggu Peningkatan berbasis kinerja dalam alokasi modal dilakukan jika trader menunjukkan profitabilitas dan pertumbuhan yang konsisten Pedagang akan diharapkan untuk menganalisis , Model, dan mengembangkan strategi perdagangan pada perbaikan sistem perdagangan Kandidat yang tidak terbatas akan memiliki kemampuan matematika, analitis dan pemecahan masalah yang kuat, dan harus mampu menunjukkan kecerdasan, daya saing, dan fokus. Pengetahuan Excel yang kuat, ditekankan pada penelitian, pengujian ulang, pengoptimalan dan eksekusi, dan dorongan Anda untuk masuk Lingkungan yang serba cepat. Tingkat Pelamar Diperlukan - Pengalaman Tingkat Masuk yang Diperlukan - Kurang dari 1 Tahun Pendidikan yang Diperlukan - Gelar Sarjana Tipe Pekerjaan - Status Pekerjaan Karyawan - Purna Waktu. Kelompok Perdagangan Proprietary, LLC 11 Broadway Suite 1515 New York, NY 10004.Profesional Retail Trader. Lightspeed Trading, LLC. Apakah Anda seorang trader profesional yang ingin menukar modal Anda sendiri Apakah Anda ingin akses ke alat perdagangan profesional tapi tidak ingin bekerja untuk toko prop Lightspeed Trading adalah broker ritel pilihan untuk aktif dan Pedagang profesional Teknologi Lightspeed yang tak tertandingi dikombinasikan dengan layanan dan sumber pendidikan yang luar biasa memberi para pedagang keunggulan yang mereka butuhkan untuk mensukseskan Lightspeed berada di peringkat Best Broke R untuk Frequent Traders 3 tahun berturut-turut oleh Barron s Jika Anda ingin melakukan perdagangan untuk hidup tanpa harus mendapatkan lisensi industri dan menginginkan kebebasan mengelola akun Anda sendiri, pertimbangkan untuk membuka akun ritel dengan Lightspeed. Platform Lightspeed Trader memberikan Sistem akses pasar langsung yang dapat disesuaikan, kaya fitur ke pedagang aktif Beberapa fitur termasuk Ekuitas perdagangan, opsi, futures semua dari satu layar Keranjang entri keranjang Setelah berjam-jam trading Charting lanjutan Hingga 40 layar tata letak kustom Tingkat streaming 2 kutipan Pemindai pasar Jendela depan yang menghubungkan aplikasi API opsional Front End opsional. Semua klien baru memenuhi syarat untuk promosi di bawah ini Selain itu, pedagang yang sangat aktif mungkin memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan potongan harga tanpa batas waktu Call for details. Current promotion - KOMISI HARGA HALF Hemat 50 pada komisi ekuitas dan opsi Anda Untuk 60 hari 00225 per saham atau 2 25 per perdagangan untuk saham 30 sen per kontrak untuk opsi No Minimum perdagangan Tidak ada biaya tiket Gunakan kode promo HALFOFF. Promotion details Account harus dibuka oleh 7 31 12 Hanya akun margin dengan saldo 25.000 atau lebih yang memenuhi syarat Penawaran hanya tersedia untuk pelanggan baru Periode promosi dimulai pada hari akun dibuka dan berakhir setelah 60 kalender Hari Setelah masa promosi berakhir, tarif standar dan minimum akan diterapkan ke akun Anda Hanya saham yang terdaftar di Nasdaq, Amex, dan NYSE yang memenuhi syarat. Promosi hanya tersedia untuk Lightspeed Trader. Lightspeed Trading, LLC 1006 Avenue of the Americas 16th floor New York, NY 10016.Mengalami Trader Perorangan Terbukti. MES Capital Ltd. Bethesda, MD. MES Capital Ltd mencari trader individual berpengalaman dengan hasil terbukti untuk menukar modal kita Ini adalah kesempatan yang tidak biasa bagi pedagang berkualifikasi tinggi yang mungkin sangat berharga. Penggagas yang memiliki kekayaan intelektual dapat Mempertahankan kepemilikan IP dan perdagangan modal perusahaan kami yang berbasis di sekitar IP Anda selama trader bisa memberikan keuntungan yang valid Hasil perdagangan Kami tidak mencari hasil yang telah diuji kembali namun keuntungan perdagangan sebenarnya dan nyata. Kami terbuka untuk pedagang algoritmik dan terbuka terhadap semua proposal dari semua individu yang menguntungkan.-Kami terbuka untuk memperdagangkan semua kelas aset dan sistem perdagangan selama Mereka menguntungkan dan konsisten - ROI konsisten pada parameter pengelolaan modal - Rasio manajemen - catatan uji terbukti sepanjang 3-5 tahun - Dalam 5 tahun atau lebih pengalaman perdagangan - Berkomunikasi dari jarak jauh. Opsi Pilihan Pedagang untuk Dana Ekuitas Pribadi. Unified Capital Funds LLC. Wanted Pedagang Opsi Futures yang Antusias dengan track record yang solid dan terbukti, yang bersedia membantu dana Private Equity muda mencapai potensi penuhnya. Kami percaya ini adalah kesempatan yang sangat menarik bagi Pedagang yang tepat, atau jaringan Pedagang. Ini adalah lantai dasar. Kesempatan untuk melakukan perdagangan untuk dana baru SEC yang disetujui yang melayani jaringan investor yang signifikan dan cukup besar. Ketika Anda membantu dana pertama ini tumbuh, beberapa seri akan mengikuti Anda mungkin akan diminta. Untuk membantu mengatur dan mengatur tim trader yang dibutuhkan yang dibutuhkan untuk sukses melayani komunitas ini. Pertimbangan akan diberikan kepada Pedagang Independen individu, namun preferensi akan diberikan kepada jaringan Pedagang yang secara kolektif - dapat melakukan perdagangan sepanjang waktu. Apa yang kita Mencari Pedagang. Tahu bagaimana melakukan lindung nilai Entah dengan Menggunakan separuh akun untuk berdagang, menjaga separuh cadangan lainnya seperlunya untuk mengambil posisi berlawanan dan mudah-mudahan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kedua belah pihak. Hedging Futures with Options eg delta neutral strategies , Atau c Memanfaatkan Kerugian Berhenti - termasuk Kerugian Trailing Stop dalam hal ini kami ingin melihat sejarah perdagangan aktual yang signifikan, jadi kami dapat melihat seberapa baik Anda memilih arah dan seberapa cepat Anda keluar dari pecundang 2 Ikuti peraturan dengan baik Kami lebih suka memiliki Sejarah kehilangan perdagangan yang mengikuti peraturan yang solid dan sudah ditentukan sebelumnya daripada perjudian yang menghasilkan uang 3 Pahami alasan mengapa Kura-kura memenangkan perlombaan daripada Hare misalnya torto Ise membuat langkah yang sama hari demi hari, dan saat tubuhnya tumbuh dalam ukuran, jumlah tanah yang dia tutup akhirnya menyalip dari Hare yang tidak sistematis. Kami tidak peduli di mana Anda tinggal, atau di tempat Anda bekerja Selama Anda dan Tim Anda memiliki koneksi internet yang solid dan andal, dan dapat membawa E yang tepat dan saat Anda melakukan pekerjaan dengan baik, kami akan memberi Anda dan tim Pedagang Anda dengan ribuan calon investor. Modal Modal yang Terdaftar LLC. Coins, Bullion and Bars trader adalah Diperlukan. Gold Trading Express. Tanggung jawab meliputi Mengembangkan klien baru sambil mempertahankan pertumbuhan bisnis yang ada Prospeksi dan prospek penawaran melalui panggilan dingin yang menindaklanjuti petunjuk ini melalui email, dan telepon Membangun dan memelihara hubungan Menyediakan layanan pelanggan yang unggul Memelihara database utama Menghadiri acara industri Menganalisis nilai berharga Pasar logam Jual dan beli batangan, bar, koin dan saran klien mengenai produk investasi termasuk saran penawaran pembelian R penjualan produk logam mulia tertentu. Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan S1 atau pengalaman kerja setara 1 tahun sebelumnya di dalam pengalaman penjualan pengalaman memanggil dingin adalah keharusan Pemburu prospektor yang kuat untuk prospek baru, kemampuan untuk membuat akun baru Komunikasi yang baik, layanan pelanggan dan interpersonal Keterampilan Kemahiran dalam Microsoft Excel dan Word, Outlook, Explorer dan PowerPoint akan menjadi nilai tambah Harus memiliki pengetahuan tentang TRADING. BASIC GAJI PLUS COMISSION. office terletak di pusat kota barat, manhattan. Gold Trading Express 71west 47th street, suite 701.Natural Gas Futures Trader. Nico Holdings LLC. Nico Trading sedang mencari kandidat untuk posisi Futures Trading Gas Alam Kandidat yang berhasil akan memiliki pengalaman perdagangan Gas Bumi sebelumnya, kemampuan komunikasi yang kuat, kemampuan berpikir cepat dan berkinerja baik di bawah tekanan, dan merasa nyaman bekerja. Dengan platform perdagangan elektronik. Perdagangan berjangka Gas Alam yang terdaftar dan swap keduanya secara elektronik D dengan calo Mencari dan memanfaatkan peluang di bidang turunan turunan Gas Bumi Secara aktif menjaga posisi dan perdagangan berisiko rendah sesuai batasan yang ditetapkan Mengembangkan ide untuk meningkatkan profitabilitas portofolio selama 2 tahun pengalaman perdagangan dengan fokus pada Gas Alam berjangka Memahami Platform perdagangan elektronik Nyaman bekerja dengan pialang melalui telepon Kemampuan analisis yang kuat Mampu bekerja dengan sukses di lingkungan tim Kami menawarkan semua karyawan gaji dasar yang kompetitif, potensi bonus yang signifikan, dan manfaat yang besar Paket manfaat kami meliputi asuransi kesehatan, asuransi gigi, 401 K, waktu luang, Rekening Tabungan Fleksibel, Rekening Tabungan Commuter dan lainnya Kami berlokasi dekat dengan transportasi umum di pusat kota Chicago. Nico Holdings LLC 222 W Adams Street Suite 1500 Chicabo, IL 60606.Old Mission Capital saat ini menerima aplikasi untuk Trading Assistant. rader bekerja dalam tim untuk mencari dan menguntungkan menukar misengan yang tidak mahal Kemarahan Para pedagang bertanggung jawab atas pengambilan keputusan yang disiplin, manajemen risiko, penetapan harga turunan, dan penelitian peluang baru untuk bisnis yang menguntungkan. Calon kandidat pada umumnya akan memiliki. - Gelar sarjana atau lanjutan di bidang kuantitatif seperti ilmu komputer, teknik, atau salah satu dari ilmu keras - Pengetahuan tentang bahasa pemrograman, seperti C atau Python - Kemampuan untuk bekerja dan memecahkan masalah sebagai bagian dari tim, seringkali berada dalam lingkungan dengan tekanan tinggi - Keinginan yang kuat akan pengetahuan dan untuk memahami bagaimana segala sesuatu bekerja - Komunikasi tertulis dan verbal yang superior. Keterampilan. Tidak ada pengalaman sebelumnya di bidang keuangan yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk posisi perdagangan di Old Mission Old Mission Capital adalah perusahaan perdagangan eksklusif dengan kantor di Chicago dan New York City. Dalam dunia perdagangan elektronik yang kompetitif, kami menggunakan teknik kuantitatif dan teknologi maju. Untuk mengidentifikasi peluang perdagangan yang menguntungkan di seluruh dunia. Misi Utama Modal 120 Broadway Suite 2040- 09 New York, NY 10007modities Energy Trader. Mercury Partners. Mercury Partners sedang mencari Commodity Energy Trader Portofolio ini dikelola secara aktif dengan fleksibilitas yang signifikan dalam hal penentuan posisi terhadap persyaratan lindung nilai Batas dan kontrol risiko telah ditetapkan sesuai dengan lingkungan perdagangan ERMS Bertindak dengan ukuran Kinerja dan set kompensasi setara dengan standar yang berlaku dalam industri Perdagangan Energi. Posisi ini akan memiliki peran kepemimpinan dalam mengelola keterpaparan Directional terhadap pasar minyak dan listrik, dengan mengembangkan strategi yang berfokus pada penentuan harga tetap Opsi keuangan penting Alat untuk menerapkan strategi ini. Posisi ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan pendapatan dagang eksklusif. Posisi ini, merupakan bagian dari tim perdagangan yang terdiri dari dua Pedagang Senior yang berfokus pada pasar nilai dan produk relatif. Tim ini memiliki akses penuh terhadap sumber daya yang dikembangkan oleh Cargill untuk melayani Bisnis perdagangan energinya mar Ket riset, perangkat lunak, analis risiko. Persyaratan Harus memiliki 10 tahun perdagangan komoditi exp. Mercury Partners 60 East 42nd Street Suite 760 New York, NY 10165.Marquette Partners LP selalu mencari merekrut trader yang telah mapan untuk tim perdagangan Chicago mereka Pedagang yang Percaya diri akan kemampuan trading mereka dan kompeten di semua atau semua kelas aset akan dipertimbangkan Ini adalah kesempatan yang sangat menguntungkan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan lebih langsung dari rekam jejak yang sukses. Kandidat yang sesuai kemungkinan akan berasal dari bank investasi atau dana lindung nilai.- Terbukti Catatan perdagangan yang menguntungkan minimal pertengahan enam digit per tahun - Pembalap mandiri dengan kemampuan interpersonal dan analitis yang kuat menyambut tantangan - Menunjukkan pemahaman fundamental pasar dan spread yang sangat baik - Kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi peluang perdagangan dan mengembangkan strategi perdagangan eksklusif berdasarkan analisis sendiri - Bekerja dalam Diberikan pedoman manajemen risiko - disiapkan untuk presen T untuk mengelola proposal perdagangan dengan pendekatan yang diberikan - Sangat energik dan termotivasi dan memiliki minat untuk bekerja di lingkungan berbagi ide - Hasil yang digerakkan. Mitra Merek menawarkan paket manfaat komprehensif yang sangat baik, termasuk yang berikut: - Asuransi obat-obatan dan resep obat - Asuransi gigi - Asuransi visi - Kehidupan kelompok dan cakupan AD dan D - Kecacatan jangka pendek dan cakupan persalinan - rencana pensiun 401k - Gaji kompetitif dengan bonus diskresioner - Sarapan dan makanan ringan gratis - Program pengiriman makan siang. Mitra Merek adalah perusahaan dagang berpemilik global, Dengan akses pasar langsung ke bursa derivatif terkemuka di dunia. Marquette Partners LP 801 West Adams Suite 500 Chicago, IL 60607.Profesional Trader. Keystone Trading Group. Keystone Trading Group mencari pedagang profesional Pedagang berpengalaman dengan catatan perdagangan saham yang terdokumentasi dan menguntungkan. Akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kemitraan dengan Keystone Trading Group dengan menerima sebagian dari Manfaat yang sama seperti institusi Tujuan kami adalah membantu Anda dalam melakukan trading ke tingkat berikutnya dengan memberi Anda modal yang diperlukan, pengelolaan risiko yang tepat dan dengan meneruskan biaya transaksi rendah kami. Kelompok Perdagangan Batu Bara 450 7th Avenue Suite 2509 New York , NY 10123.Trade Operations Specialist. Jump Trading. Jump Trading sedang mencari spesialis operasi perdagangan Individu dalam peran ini akan bergabung dengan tim perdagangan yang berbasis di Chicago dan secara proaktif akan memantau dan memverifikasi semua aktivitas perdagangan sepanjang hari Tugas dan tanggung jawab meliputi.- Terus mendamaikan dan mengelola posisi perdagangan - Berkomunikasi dengan dukungan perdagangan valuta jika terjadi keadaan darurat - Berinteraksi dengan personil pendukung TI untuk mengkonfirmasi masalah sistem jika ada - Memulai komputer dan masuk ke berbagai sistem kepemilikan - Memperbarui parameter untuk perdagangan hari ini menggunakan in-house Aplikasi - Menulis skrip atau memodifikasi yang sudah ada jika ada kebutuhan bisnis - Mengelola masalah kepatuhan dan ad hoc Pelaporan untuk tim - Perbarui berbagai database, misalnya kalender acara keuangan, spesifikasi produk, dll - Tugas lain yang ditugaskan oleh manajer.- 2-3 tahun pengalaman PERDAGANGAN EKUITAS diperlukan - Kemampuan untuk mengikuti petunjuk khusus dan pedoman umum dalam konteks produk Dukungan operasi - Pemahaman yang kuat tentang dasar-dasar Linux - Pengetahuan Windows sangat diinginkan - Pengalaman dengan Perl atau Python plus yang kuat - Pengalaman dengan Bloomberg dan Tindakan Perusahaan diperlukan - Memahami bagaimana dampak tindakan korporasi - Keakraban dengan scripting SQL - Shell ksh atau bash - Mahir Dengan Excel, nyaman bekerja dengan spreadsheet setiap hari - Keterampilan dokumentasi yang berorientasi pada detail, terorganisir, dan terorganisasi - Kemampuan untuk multitask dan memprioritaskan banyak proyek di lingkungan yang sibuk dan menuntut - Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, baik tertulis maupun lisan - diperlukan untuk beroperasi dalam Sebuah tim global. Industri perdagangan keuangan mengalami nilai tambah Jump Trading adalah a Diposisikan secara global, perusahaan perdagangan eksklusif yang tetap terdepan dalam perdagangan algoritmik. Perdagangan Berjangka 600 W Chicago Ave Suite 825.Chicago, IL 60654. Trader. Kershner Trading Group yang berpengalaman, LLC. Kershner Trading Group sedang mencari trader berpengalaman. Kami Mencari individu yang termotivasi dengan kualifikasi berikut. Catatan keberhasilan perdagangan yang dapat diobservasi Kesediaan untuk mengotomatisasi strategi rekam jejak yang telah terbukti berhasil melakukan begitu besar Kesediaan untuk bekerja dengan orang lain untuk meningkatkan profitabilitas Menunjukkan ketrampilan disiplin dalam lingkungan yang kompetitif Terbukti ketahanan dan kepercayaan diri. Kershner Trading Group adalah bisnis perdagangan eksklusif untuk trader profesional. Kershner Trading Group, LLC 1825B Kramer Lane, Suite 200.Austin, TX 78758.Jane Street Capital, LLC. Jane Street adalah perusahaan perdagangan eksklusif kuantitatif yang beroperasi sepanjang waktu dan di sekitar Dunia Pedagang bekerja dalam tim untuk mencari dan memanfaatkan inefisiensi penetapan harga, mengembangkan model, manajemen E risiko, menyelidiki produk baru, dan mendorong ke area bisnis baru Pedagang yang berpengalaman mentor rekan yang lebih baru, yang tanggung jawabnya meningkat dengan kemampuan mereka. Capital Street, LLC 1 New York Plaza 33rd Floor New York, NY 10004.Electronic Trader. International Trading Group LLC. Glenview, IL. International Trading Group LLC sedang mencari pedagang elektronik berpengalaman International Trading Group memiliki kesempatan untuk pedagang elektronik berpengalaman dengan rekam jejak yang terbukti Jika Anda adalah seorang pedagang elektronik yang sukses yang mencari kesempatan unik. International Trading Group LLC 2700 Patriot Blvd Suite 350 Glenview, IL 60026. Grup IMC Posisi Junior Trader adalah salah satu yang membutuhkan keahlian analitis dan numerik yang superior. Sebagai anggota IMC Chicago, tanggung jawab utama Anda adalah: - Pilihan harga dan perdagangan dan produk keuangan lainnya - Memasuki dan Mengelola posisi yang menjadi tanggung jawab Anda - Mengembangkan, memelihara, dan meningkatkan model perdagangan - R Menelusuri peluang pasar baru dan menganalisis tren pasar saat ini. Pertimbangkan lingkungan dimana keputusan Anda berdampak langsung pada total keuntungan perdagangan perusahaan, dan di mana disiplin, motivasi, kreativitas, kerja tim dan ketekunan diakui, dihargai dan dihargai. Pengetahuan dan keterampilan diperlukan.- BA MS di semua jurusan dengan bidang studi kuantitatif analitis yang terkait - IPK minimal 3 5 - Minat di pasar keuangan adalah suatu keharusan - Kemampuan analitis dan matematis yang luar biasa - Pemikiran yang cepat dan menentukan - Magang atau pengalaman dalam industri serupa disukai - Kemampuan Untuk bertindak dan melakukan dengan sukses di lingkungan yang bergerak cepat dan tertekan tinggi - Kesediaan untuk menjadi pemimpin tim sebelum, selama dan setelah jam perdagangan - Keinginan untuk belajar tentang perdagangan derivatif dan bersedia untuk terus belajar - Berpengalaman dengan pemrograman dalam bahasa seperti Seperti Java dan C. IMC Chicago menawarkan paket gaji dan tunjangan yang kompetitif, dan unik, menantang , Dan memberi penghargaan pada lingkungan kerja, termasuk kesempatan untuk bekerja di luar negeri Pekerjaan Anda akan dimulai dengan sesi pelatihan global 4 minggu dengan karyawan baru IMC dari seluruh dunia. IMC Group 233 South Wacker Drive 4300.Chicago, IL 60606. Pedagang Perorangan yang Berpengalaman. HTG Capital Partners, LLC. HTG Capital Partners selalu mencari trader individual berpengalaman dengan hasil yang terbukti Profil seorang trader individual adalah seseorang yang mencari kebebasan dan persyaratan kontrak yang lebih baik namun masih membutuhkan alokasi, layanan dan dukungan modal Kami memberikan kesepakatan yang disesuaikan yang mungkin termasuk Modal kita, pertukaran keanggotaan, konektivitas, akuntansi, SDM, TI, layanan back office, dan manajemen risiko Individu yang memiliki kekayaan intelektual dapat mempertahankan kepemilikan IP. We sangat tertarik pada profesional perdagangan algoritmik dan OTC, namun terbuka terhadap proposal dari Semua individu yang menguntungkan. HTG Capital Partners, LLC 601 S LaSalle St 200.Chicago, IL 60605.In-House Trader. G Uardian Trading, LLC. Garden Grove, CA. Guardian Trading, LLC. Guardian Trading menawarkan semua kebutuhan pedagang ekuitas.- Komisi terendah di industri ini - Pembayaran Tinggi - daya beli 10x untuk memulai - Deposito minimum minimum 3000 - Tidak ada lisensi yang diperlukan .- Gunakan fasilitas kantor kami tanpa biaya meja jika Anda lebih suka berdagang di lingkungan perkantoran - Bagikan ide dan strategi dengan pedagang lain di kantor untuk meningkatkan profitabilitas - Manfaatkan manajemen Trading Guardian sebagai sumber untuk pertanyaan terkait perangkat lunak serta ide perdagangan. - Atau hanya berdagang sendiri di lingkungan kantor yang menyenangkan. Guardian Trading adalah grup perdagangan ekuitas pribadi yang berbasis di California. Guardian Trading, LLC. Garden Grove, CA. Getco sedang mencari pedagang. Trader di GETCO memungkinkan pedagang lain di seluruh dunia Untuk bertransaksi dengan percaya diri, kepastian dan kecepatan. Perintis adalah kelompok yang kompetitif dan didorong dari berbagai latar belakang, namun mereka semua memiliki satu kesamaan hasrat tanpa henti untuk menghasilkan keuangan. Pasar bekerja lebih baik untuk semua orang. Jika ini terdengar seperti Anda, pertimbangkan karir dengan kami Pedagang kami bekerja di lingkungan yang serba cepat dimana umpan balik pasar mendekati - seketika Mereka bekerja pada tim interdisipliner bersama pedagang lain, quants dan insinyur perangkat lunak berpengalaman, semuanya Bekerja untuk membuat pasar berjalan lebih efisien. Getco adalah pembuat pasar global yang berfokus untuk membantu investor mengalihkan risiko secara efisien Bisnis utama kami melibatkan pembelian dan penjualan sekuritas untuk menyediakan pasar dua sisi pada bursa di seluruh dunia dan sebagai DMM Marketmen yang Ditunjuk pada New York Stock Exchange Kami juga menyediakan pelanggan dengan layanan routing dan likuiditas khusus melalui Sistem Perdagangan Alternatif, Getco Execution Services GES. GETCO LLC 55 Broad Street 27th Floor New York, NY 10004.Automated Systems Trader. Geneva Trading. Dublin, Ireland. Tentang Perusahaan Geneva Trading adalah Perusahaan Perdagangan Utama dengan kantor di pusat kota Chicago dan Dublin, Irelandsany Culture At Geneva, Kami berkomitmen terhadap perkembangan para pedagang dan karyawan kami Struktur organisasi datar dan lingkungan kasual kami mendorong pertukaran gagasan baru Menemukan orang-orang cerdas dengan dorongan untuk berinovasi dan tumbuh pada akhirnya membawa kesuksesan kami di industri perdagangan. Ringkasan Sekilas tentang Posisi Kami saat ini mencari trader CREATIVE yang berpengalaman untuk bergabung dengan tim kami Jika Anda memiliki catatan profitabilitas, inovasi, disiplin dan motivasi yang kuat untuk sukses - kami mengundang Anda untuk melamar posisi ini. Platform internal yang dimiliki oleh Jenewa Trading menawarkan penawaran yang luar biasa. Konektivitas global yang cepat dan logika perdagangan dipesan lebih dahulu untuk mendukung tujuan pedagang kami untuk terus mengembangkan tepi perdagangan strategis mereka dan secara konsisten mengungguli Kami menawarkan paket kompensasi yang kompetitif Di samping anggota tim mereka, kandidat yang berhasil akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari bekerja dengan staf pendukung yang berpengalaman, pengembang platform kami Terbuka untuk semua pasar dan aset Kelas - Tingkat pengembalian modal yang bagus - Rekaman tahun tiga tahun yang terbukti, terkini, dan tidak hanya teruji kembali - Pengalaman di perusahaan dagang, hedge fund, atau bank teratas. Gelber Group, LLC 141 W Jackson Blvd Suite 2100A Chicago , IL 60604.Institutional Trader. G-2 Trading LLC. G-2 Trading LLC berkomitmen untuk tumbuh dengan menyediakan alat-alat yang dibutuhkan oleh analis Wall Street, broker dan pedagang institut Wall Street yang ingin mengendalikan takdir mereka sendiri Kami menyediakan teknologi turn-key Solusi, beberapa staf kantor belakang yang paling berpengalaman di Street, dan lebih dari 50 tahun pengalaman manajemen gabungan. G-2 Trading dan perusahaan pendahulunya telah berhasil mengarungi suksesnya hampir 20 tahun pasar bull and bear, dan perubahan finansial penting G - 2 adalah agen Broker terdaftar dan anggota NASDAQ OMX PHLX G-2 adalah perusahaan dagang eksklusif, dan pedagangnya harus berlisensi seri 7.New York, NY 10017.Senior Equity Trader. FRONTLINE CAPITAL INC. Frontline Capital sedang mencari Pedagang ekuitas dengan rekam jejak yang terbukti. Calon ideal akan memiliki pengalaman perdagangan ekuitas lebih dari tiga tahun dan telah menyelesaikan semua kursus industri yang relevan Kandidat ini akan menggunakan keterampilan dan strategi kuantitatif dan statistik untuk secara konsisten menghasilkan keuntungan. Frontline berkomitmen untuk memanfaatkan semua sumber daya secara berurutan. to fully integrate talented traders This individual is encouraged to back-test new strategies and design new programs with developers. Bachelors degree or equivalent with a fundamental understanding of equity markets 3 years experience in a proprietary equity trading position with exceptional knowledge of equity products Strong self-motivated entrepreneurial skills and the ability to work independently or in a team atmosphere Excel at multitasking in a fast-paced, high-stress environment. Frontline Capital is a proprietary trading firm specializing in equities, futures products, and currencies across all North American and European exchanges. FRONTLINE CAPITAL INC. Proprietary Trader. First New York Securities LLC. First New York Securities, LLC is one of the largest and most successful proprietary trading firms in the country Founded in 1986, and backed by a state of the art, 50,000 square foot trading floor in the heart of Manhattan, First New York provides its traders with cutting edge technology and resources to enable them to succeed. First New York is well capitalized and is one of the few remaining classic partner ships on Wall Street The firms compensation structure is designed to recognize and reward superior individual performance With more than 225 senior traders covering a variety of asset classes including equities, fixed income, commodities and derivatives, First New York is an excellent fit for the most talented traders in the industry.- Interested candidates should submit a brief description of their trading strategy. First New York Securities LLC 90 Park Avenue. New York, NY 10016.DRW Holdings, LLC is headquartered in Chicago and has offices in New York and London We currently employ over 450 people worldwide from many different disciplines and backgrounds. We are currently seeking an experienced Treasury Inflation Protected Securities TIPS trader to join our Chicago headquarters office. Trade TIPS products utilizing both automated and manual execution strategies Manage and optimize the risk of TIPS portfolio Identify and capture current opportunities research and introduce new trading str ategies Research, identify, and execute trading strategies which fit within the risk parameters of the TIPS book Review all transactions to ensure trades conform to pertinent laws and regulations Recognize market participant patterns Create models based on analysis and modify based on market dynamics take risks accordingly Assist in the growth and development of junior traders.3 years of experience successfully managing an inflation-linked book Must have in-depth understanding of inflation products Experience developing and designing derivatives pricing and hedging tools using VBA and Excel Must have strong risk management skills Bachelors degree Must be proficient in Excel and Bloomberg Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Strong quantitative skills Strong problem-solving skills essential Proven ability to investigate issues within own area of work and produce results. DRW Holdings, LLC 540 W Madison Street Suite 2500 Chicago, IL 60661.Algorithmic Trader. Allston Trading, LL C. Allston Trading, LLC, A key role bridging the gap between trading strategy and the firm s technological initiatives, the algorithmic trader is a necessary catalyst for exploiting new market opportunities.- Responsibilities range from researching new strategies - maintaining and improving existing strategies - following through on design - implementation, and deployment of trade systems - The best candidates are those that take initiative - have strong problem solving skills - employ great attention to detail.- Proficiency in at least one of the following languages Java, C , R, Matlab, Ruby, Python - Solid grasp of mathematical modeling and statistical methods - Self-starter with an entrepreneurial spirit Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Allston Trading, LLC is a premier high frequency market maker in over 40 financial exchanges, in 20 countries, and in nearly every conceivable product class We sit at the intersection of financial strategy and high-technology this requires us to hi re the best and brightest and give them the tools and freedom they need to be successful. Allston Trading, LLC 440 South LaSalle One Financial Place Suite 1211 Chicago, IL 60605.Experienced Equity Options Trader. Cutler Group, LP. San Francisco, CA. Cutler Group, LP, is looking to add experienced option market makers to its partnership. Trader will receive.- Cutler provides platforms for individuals to act as market makers on listed US Equity options exchanges - Using sophisticated technology, our traders have direct access to options markets and serve as market makers in over 3,000 listed issues - Cutler market makers represent a wide range of experience from multiple firms across the street Wall, LaSalle, Market and Montgomery - As capital partners, your interests and ours are fully aligned We succeed when you succeed - We offer a superior package of rates for trading, clearing, haircut, technology and revenue split. Initial capital contribution requirements will be determined based on pre vious track record and depth of trading experience. All traders and trading groups become members of the Cutler Group LP Broker Dealer and, as such, are subject to the risks of joining the LP and maintaining a subaccount in a nonsegregated pooled environment Cutler Group is a proprietary trading firm headquartered in San Francisco with offices in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia Our primary focus is equity option market making We are members of a number of major US option exchanges, including NYSE Arca, CBOE, NASDAQ OMX PHLX, NYSE Amex Options and BATS The Firm currently has over sixty traders. Cutler Group, LP 101 Montgomery Street Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94104.Experienced Proprietary Trader. Cutler Group, LP. San Francisco, CA. Cutler Group, LP, is looking to add experienced equity and equity option proprietary traders to its partnership. Trader will receive.- Cutler provides a comprehensive platform for our professional trader partners to engage the market on listed US Equity and US Equity Options exchanges - We offer a proprietary risk management and execution solution on our dedicated national network - Cutler proprietary traders represent a wide range of experience from multiple firms across the street Wall, LaSalle, Market and Montgomery - As capital partners, your interests and ours are fully aligned - We succeed when you succeed We offer a superior package of rates for trading, clearing, haircut, technology and revenue split. Initial capital contribution requirements will be determined based on previous track record and depth of trading experience. All traders and trading groups become members of the Cutler Group LP Broker Dealer and, as such, are subject to the risks of joining the LP and maintaining a subaccount in a nonsegregated pooled environment Cutler Group is a proprietary trading firm headquartered in San Francisco with offices in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia Our primary focus is equity option market making We are members of a number of major U S option exchanges, including NYSE Arca, CBOE, NASDAQ OMX PHLX, NYSE Amex Options and BATS The Firm currently has over sixty traders. Cutler Group, LP 101 Montgomery Street Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94104.Junior Proprietary Trader. D E Shaw approximately 21 billion in investment capital as of October 1, 2011 and offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia Since its founding in 1988, the firm has earned an international reputation for financial innovation, technological leadership, and an extraordinarily distinguished staff. D E Shaw and strong analytical abilities as well as an exceptional sensitivity to detail are necessary. This role affords the opportunity to contribute as part of an established team, and to be directly exposed to investment decisions by collaborating with seasoned, senior members of the firm. The D E Shaw group is a global investment and technology development firm with more than 1,100 employees approximately 21 billion in investment capital as of Octo ber 1, 2011 and offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia Since its founding in 1988, the firm has earned an international reputation for financial innovation, technological leadership, and an extraordinarily distinguished staff. D E Shaw s challenging market environment.- Minimum 5 year trading experience - Proven track record is preferred - Strong analytical skills - Fundamental analysis - Retain strong discipline. Trader will receive.- Competitive clearing rates - Leveraged buying power Subject to trading history and risk management - Technical and administrative support - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools - Newest technology, state-of-the-art software screening tools - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools - Growth Opportunities available - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and executionpensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required Coastal Trade Securities, LLC is an SEC registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange CBSX. Coastal Trade Securities, LLC 45 Brodway 20 Floor New York, NY 10005.Contact Information Andrew Coley. Experienced Equity Trader Remote. Quasar Trading, LLC. Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange CBSX , is seeking an Experienced Equity Trader to join our proprietary trading firm.-2 years Equity Trading experience - A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies - Strong analytical skills - Risk Bids Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP s - ETF arbitrage strategies - Macro strategies - Event Driven strategies - Fundamental strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Volatility strategies - Special situations - Proven track record is preferred - Fundamental analysis - Extremely quantitative - Clean U-4 - Minimum capital contribution is required. Trader will receive.- Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates - Leveraged buying power Subject to trading history and risk management - Technical and administrative support - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools - Newest technology, state-of-the-art software screening tools - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools - Growth Opportunities available - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and executionpensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange CBSX. Quasar Trading, LLC 2 Wall Street 8th Floor New York, NY. Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext 106.Experienced Equity Trader Remote. Quasar Trading, LLC. Los Angeles, CA. Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange CBSX , is seeking an Experienced Equity Trader to join our proprietary trading firm.-2 years Equity Trading experience - A quantitative trading f ocus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies - Strong analytical skills - Risk Bids Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP s - ETF arbitrage strategies - Macro strategies - Event Driven strategies - Fundamental strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Volatility strategies - Special situations - Proven track record is preferred - Fundamental analysis - Extremely quantitative - Clean U-4 - Minimum capital contribution is required. Trader will receive.- Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates - Leveraged buying power Subject to trading history and risk management - Technical and administrative support - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools - Newest technology, state-of-the-art software screening tools - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools - Growth Opportunities available - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and executionpensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is req uired Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange CBSX. Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext 106.Junior Equity Trader Entry Level Remote. Quasar Trading, LLC. Los Angeles, CA. Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange CBSX , is seeking an experienced Junior Equity Trader Entry Level to join our proprietary trading firm. Qualified candidates must demonstrate.- Ability to quickly calculate odds - Interest in financial markets Equities - Must work well under pressure and quickly adapt to changing situations - High attention to detail - Demonstrate assertiveness - Ability to work independently - Professional attitude - Strong level of computer competency. Trader will receive.- Training and Mentorship program - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates - Leveraged buying power Subject to trading history and risk management - Technical and administrative support - Pre-trade and Post - trade analytical tools - Newest technology, state-of-the-art software screening tools - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools - Growth Opportunities available - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and executionpensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange CBSX. Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext 106.Proprietary Equities Trader. Avatar Securities. Avatar Securities, LLC is recruiting experienced cash equity traders with proven track records in equities to join our proprietary trading desk in Chicago Members benefit from a technologically advanced trading environment with payout and cost structures that surpass other firms Traders use DMA platforms to access advanced order types Algorithm, VWAP, TWAP, etc and dark pool liquidity providers Avatar welcomes experienced equiti es traders of all backgrounds and trading strategies Automated, Basket, Momentum, Pairs, Rebate, StatArb, Technical, etc Avatar seeks deeply experienced traders at this time and may require a capital contribution that will be based upon the trader s needs, experience, and skill level. Traders benefit from our impressive 10,000 square foot trading space located in the heart of Chicago s financial district and will be surrounded by some of the best equities traders in the areapensation is based on performance and Avatar provides the leverage and tools needed for our traders to succeed. If you are interested, please visit our website and fill out a contact request. Quantitative Trader - Senior Equity Trader. Quasar Trading LLC. Quasar Trading, LLC a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange CBSX , is seeking an experienced Senior Equity Trader Quantitative Trading to join our proprietary trading firm This excellent career opportunity will provide the selected candidate w ith the ability to contribute to a growing equity prop trading desk and leverage their knowledge to implement new strategies in growing the business Work alongside our algorithmic traders and developers to seamlessly implement your strategies. Quasar can offer you an environment geared towards performance, co-located infrastructure in several market data centers for ultra low latency execution, backtesting tools, technical support, and access to firm capital Quasars in house developers are experienced in handling financial applications, optimizing execution and market connectivity They are experts in the field of code optimization, and can create prime code that works faster, utilizes fewer resources and is easier to read and revise in the future The final code has such flexibility, that most future revisions can be done directly by the clients front end user without developer involvement Due to our expertise and experience, turnaround times on projects are extremely short, and debuggin g to final application includes very few iterations, thus saving development time and money.-3 years Equity Prop Trading experience.-A minimum of a Bachelor s degree in Business, Finance, Management, Computer Science, Math or related field of study.-A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies.- Risk Bids Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP s.- ETF arbitrage strategies.- Event Driven strategies.- Statistical arbitrage strategies.-Proven track record. For more information contact Please put Senior equity trader-Quantitative Trading on the subject line. Quasar Trading LLC 2 Wall Street 8th floor. new york, NY 10005.Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext 106.Experienced Equity Traders Wanted Remote. Globus Trading. Concord, Canada. Globus Trading a trading firm which has been in business for 10 years is looking for experienced traders. If you are an experienced trader that knows what he she wants, contact us today. We are pleased to introduce a brand new fee structure. - 100 payout - No Commission - No software fees Sterling PRO s capital. Contact us for more details. Globus Trading 553 Basaltic Road. Equity Forex Trader. Spartan Capital Partners. Hicksville, NY. Growing trading firm looking to hire and train new traders The stock market is a great place to make a lot of money If you have an interest in trading stock or currency give us a call NO experience needed We will train you and teach you how to be a successful trader and show you how to make money using various methods and skills NO COLD CALLING NO OPENING ACCOUNTS you will not need to be licensed since you will be trading private money you will be trained as a trader and start trading your very first day We offer many analysts with different methods and skills that will help you make money some have over 15 years of experience they offer Picks with entry and exit points will teach you how to read graphs properly and make judgments for yourself also will give you feed back and game plan for any sto cks you may want to trade our office is very friendly and laid back no one is in their own each traders helps the other we work as a team if interested please email contact info to. Lowest rates available - if you are currently trading and want a lower commission WE WILL BEAT IT. NOTE - We have an auto trading system The algorithm unit signals traders where to buy and where to sell. gray box trading open to ALL traders. Spartan Capital Partners 240 W Old Country Rd. Hicksville, NY 11801.Traders Wanted. T3 Trading Group, LLC. T3 Trading Group, LLC, a registered broker-dealer and member of the CBOE Stock Exchange CBSX , is currently hiring traders T3 Trading Group LLC is looking for motivated and dedicated individuals with experience in equity options trading We offer the opportunity to trade in a professional environment using advanced DMA platforms with competitive commission rates. Our branch office offers State of the art execution and charting platforms Proprietary real-time news feeds Li ve S re an experienced trader and want to operate from a home-office environment, we also offer remote trading through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. To learn more please send your resume to. T3 Trading Group, LLC 10801 National Boulevard Suite 404 Los Angeles, CA 90064.Equity Traders Trader Groups Proprietary Trading Firms. Trader Recruiting. Los Angeles, CA. Our client is a rapidly expanding, SEC-registered Broker Dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange They have onsite trading desks in NYC and Chicago with remote trading opportunities nationwide Looking for experienced equity traders, trading groups, and other proprietary prop trading firms needing to partner with a B D. Qualifications - Minimum 1 years of equity trading experience - Securities Licenses are NOT required - Minimum capital contribution is required. Benefits - Well capitalized firm capital to trade - Buying power up to 40 1 based on experience and risk management - Ultra-fast connect ivity 30 routes ECN rebates - Unlimited trades no minimum trading volume - Institutional rates per share or per trade - Large list of shorts penny stocks - Pre s - ETF arbitrage strategies - Macro strategies - Event Driven strategies - Fundamental strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Volatility strategies - Special situations - Proven track record is preferred - Fundamental analysis - Extremely quantitative - Clean U-4 - Minimum capital contribution is required. Trader will receive.- Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates - Leveraged buying power Subject to trading history and risk management - Technical and administrative support - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools - Newest technology, state-of-the-art software screening tools - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools - Growth Opportunities available - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and executionpensation will be perform ance based, and a capital contribution is required Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange CBSX. Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext 106.Desk Managers and Mentors Wanted. Shine s Room. Have you trained traders Do you enjoy educating and discussing the techniques that have made you successful. Looking for experienced traders of all investment classes options, commodities, equities, Forex, and Futures. Interested in joining our team of mentors Please send resume to. Two office chairs in the design of information related to business. Assuming you ve seen Wall Street the awesome, original one, not the watered-down sequel it is a requirement to work in finance, after all you know something about traders vs brokers. The traders are like lone wolves who go in and make tons of money by making quick decisions. But supporting every successful trader is his her broker the one who actually connects buyers and sellers and makes trades go thr ough. Both traders and brokers are linked to the market and need to stay on top of everything that s happening but beyond that, they re quite different. So, what do traders and brokers actually do. Which one is a better match for your personality How do you break in. And most importantly, who makes more money. Definitions and Types of Traders. You might remember from the guide to fixed income trading that we defined 2 types of trading agency trading where you simply execute orders for the client, and prop trading where you invest the firm s own money and make your own trading decisions. But the outside world has no idea what those terms mean, so they usually refer to prop traders as traders and agency traders as brokers, which is what we re sticking to here. Brokers exist at both banks and at independent firms called brokerages the difference is that these smaller agency-brokers are pure middlemen and only fulfill orders while large banks have a lot more going on. There s more to it than that a nd as with other areas of trading, the dividing lines can get blurry, but that s the basic difference and how we ll be using the terms here. OK, back to how they re different. Traders are at the top of the food chain entire teams in the back and middle office support all their trades and fix annoying IT issues for them. They analyze equities, derivatives, fixed income, forex, commodities, and anything else they might be trading and decide on what to trade, what strategies to pursue, and how to invest the firm s money. If the trading floor were a jungle traders would be gorillas who pound their chest constantly while stealing bananas from everyone else. Everyone wants to be a trader, but it s tough unless you have the right education, background, and personal connections. Brokers Support Staff. After a trader decides what to buy or sell, he would call the broker and say, I want to buy sell XX of XX can you make it happen. Technically, brokers support the traders but they re completely different from the back and middle office crew. Unlike the back and middle office, brokers generate revenue they connect buyers and sellers and make a commission on each successful transaction. The more shares that a trader trades through the broker, the more money the broker makes and the more traders the broker services, the more money he makes. Personalities Traders. Traders are judged almost 100 on performance it s one of the few professions on Wall Street where you can excel even if you show up without shaving for a week or two. If you bring in massive profits for the firm, you ll be rewarded. Traders spend most of the day in front of their 8 or so computer screens they might discuss ideas and market news with other traders, but overall there s less teamwork than in management consulting or investment banking. So the trading profession attracts more introverted individuals who are good at math and great at working independently think math and engineering majors, with a few random frat boys thrown in for good measure. Brokers Got Extrovert. For brokers, it s all about relationships and networking you re judged based on your ability to bring in traders and keep them on board. Profit still matters, but the quality and quantity of clients you bring in also plays a big role. If you re a good schmoozer and you re always the first to hear about rumors and gossip, you d be a great broker. If Malcolm Gladwell were writing a new column about traders and brokers, brokers would be part-maven, part-connector they know everyone, and they track of tidbits of information to entertain and inform traders. If a client really liked Turkish food, a broker would know all the best Turkish restaurants within a 5 km radius. There s a lot of back-and-forth with traders on the phone during the day, so brokers often invite traders out for food, drinks, and sports and sometimes other forms of entertainment after work. Breaking In Trading vs Brokering. Large banks do take sales trading summer interns and make S T f ull-time hires, but the numbers are lower than what you see in investment banking. Major trading desks such as credit, equity, and forex might only hire 1 or 2 per desk whereas in banking, groups like ECM or M A might take on 5-10 new analysts depending on the team size. With the 2010 financial reform those numbers will shrink even further as banks disband their prop trading groups and everyone migrates to hedge funds. For networking, resumes, and interviews for trading, check out this podcast Jerry recorded recruiting is similar to investment banking but there are significant differences, especially in interviews. With brokers, there s even more of a focus on experienced hires on-campus recruiting is rare, especially for smaller agency-brokers, and you pretty much have to network your way in from related fields. Some brokers also post ads online and if you have the right experience, applying online might actually work that s because they re looking for very specific experience and as you m ove up, you get more and more specialized. Resumes and interviews are similar to trading at the entry-level, though there may be more of a focus on relationships and sales skills similar to sales itself at dedicated firms. Advancement depends on how business is going if your desk is profitable, wants to expand, and everyone likes you, then they might give you your own portfolio or trading book once you ve proven yourself. Note that even as you advance within trading, your actual work may not change that much you re still trading all day. It s not like investment banking where MDs are wining and dining clients and analysts are pumping out pitch books you just get more responsibility and a higher percentage of the profits. On the brokerage side, advancement and upside depend on how many new clients you can bring in and the commissions you generate just like with trading, the work itself doesn t change dramatically as you move up but you work with higher-volume clients and earn more. Work hours are roughly the same for traders and brokers they get in an hour or two before the market opens and leave an hour or two after market close. Brokers might try to get in earlier than traders and leave after the traders leave just to make themselves available at all times. Both are completely different from investment banking no all-nighters and no 100-hour workweeks. Think 60-70 hours per week rather than 90-100.Who Makes More Money. And now to the 50 million or should that be billion question. Most people would say, Traders make more money. No one noticed or cared what his broker made. The problem is that everyone focuses on these once-in-a-lifetime success stories rather than the average trader for every profitable trader, there s a trader somewhere else that lost money. Meanwhile, the broker in between made decent money even if one of the traders did not. Multiply this by dozens of trading clients and you can see how broker commissions can add up to a comfortable lifestyle, all with far less market risk. Specific Numbers, Please. Numbers are tough to verify, but most brokers start in the mid 5-figures range and the most successful brokers might be in the mid 6-figures range it s not like trading where the stars could make in the tens or hundreds of millions or billions of USD each year. Keep in mind that the average prop trader makes nowhere close to that each year some small prop trading firms don t even pay you a salary and instead base everything on your trading performance, so you could end up with a paycheck of 0.The maximum pay for traders is a completely different order of magnitude, but the standard deviation is also much higher so the median pay may not be much different between traders and brokers at the entry-level. And don t underestimate how much you can make as a broker brokerage firms often make more than trading firms that are suffering from a lackluster year. Are the Machines Taking Over. You ve probably read about how trading is becoming more and more automate d should you even bother getting into the industry if computers will take over anyway. Keep in mind that there will always be a human element someone needs to program algorithms in the first place and continually test the programs. So it s not as if the industry is dying it s just shifting in more of a quantitative direction. Even on the brokerage side, more and more agency trading activity is becoming computerized as well there will always be a need for the outgoing broker who knows everyone, but the math nerd might not be far behind him. This article was guest-written by Zeke Lee, a Stanford graduate, former management consultant with Booz Company and former derivatives trader on Wall Street Oh yeah, he s one of my friends from school as well. I am an independent trader who has invested solely for myself successfully-no employees I have someone who is interested in me trading for them with a substantial amount I am not interested in comment on branching out like that I am sounding you out what would be a fair way to charge A of profit on each trade is what I think is appropriate A between 10-15 The potential client is willing to accept brokerage fees, potential losses Thoughts. Really educational thank you, I reckon your current followers may want even more well written content of this character continue the excellent get the job done. Thank you for your kind message and for visiting. What are your thoughts on these two routes to enter trading Or IB as you will read at the end of this post and a long term, progressive, career in Finance.1 Complete Under Graduate Degree in Finance, enter a brokerage for 1 year then complete a Masters in Finance Financial Economics.2 Complete Under Graduate Degree in Finance and go straight into the Masters.3 Option 2 then progress onto a PhD in Finance Economics while simultaneously resitting pre-University exams to be able to apply for Graduate roles. I currently have about a year and a half full time Sales experience in the UK and Dubai i n an Internship, I m in the top percentile of my class cohort in Finance but have quite poor pre-University grades way below what s being asked for any jobs in Front Office that I ve seen. My Under Graduate isn t from a top school but I may be able to get a Scholarship from a UK Top 20 University for 2014 15.I m very motivated to get in but open to the very different experiences of Trading and IB M A. What would you kindly suggest I am going round in circles and your advice would be great. I d choose 1 over 2, and 2 over 3 Having work experience and a Masters in Finance at a target will help. Great article And a great hope for someone like myslef Below is the scenario. You have realized that in NEXT 5 years u must become a prop trader currency within HF or large Bs in HK, UK or US. U are currently working for a small family run manufacturing company where u have been Assigned for almost a year now an additional responsibility of speculating currencies GBP, EUR, USD and taking positions upto 5 millions at one go Company named this a Treasury Department for the currency arbitrage U are in break even as of ur performance is concerned. U ve learned that u have a passion for currency trading and u are ready to pay the price to make it big in this industry U crave to become one of those professional traders Big BANKS, HF, etc and eventually achieve ur 5 years goal. You are stretching your arms and legs to get as deep as you can into this. You set a goal that u want to break into the trading floor of any bank in next year or two from the bottom level. You are zero in networking yet, do not have a clue where to begin. Unfortunately u do not know where to start from if there is any reputed courses degree that you can have under ur belt apart from MBA that u already have and almost 6-8 years of sales and MNGT experiences u have already earned that could help u outnumber your competition in the interview. U are an expat, HK resident, cannot speak Cantonese as well as mandarin at all. How w ould u succeed achieving your ultimate goal Where would you start How and what would you equip yourself with What would be ur game plan. Advice sincerely appreciated. I d start networking with the currency trading community in HK perhaps there are FX events in HK you could explore, or you may even want to explore using LinkedIn to connect with traders there I d also encourage you to trade your own FX portfolio if you haven t already been doing so You may want to start small and explore boutiques first. Thank you for your response. I ve been looking out for currency trading communities and FX events in HK, but I haven t had my luck so far. LinkedIn I am connecting through number of Traders in Hong Kong and around the world, and as one of your other article podcast suggested, I am planning to emailing them and asking for some time as well as advice on the phone first. I have been trading my own FX portfolio as well with FXCM for four months now Although I have been learning various Technicals strategies, and implementing them at the same time, I have managed to preserve 60 of my portfolio and I know I will make profit by the end of the year. Exploring boutiques is something I am having difficulties with I cannot find any platform or site that gives me details about these boutique Prop Trading firms Any suggestions. And after finding and listing them, any advise on how to effectively approach them. Thank you very much once again. I d suggest you to do some research on boutiques specializing in FX in Hong Kong If you can t find any names online you may want to speak with your contacts in the finance industry and see if they have any input To approach them, just tell them your interest in the industry and ask for an informational interview. Hello I m am 18 year old year 2 student at Swansea University studying BSc financial economics and was wondering what I need to do to get a job in the trading floor of an investment bank e g Goldman Sachs I. I m a high school student I want to ma ke money, that is all I m thinking trading provides the most potential to make huge sums of money while still working manageable path do you recommend I take My SAT is going to be in the 2300-2400 range and I am actually more interested in the humanities, although having great aptitude in math science stuff as well I m half chinese, half white I m thinking maybe the Econ route would be good. I would say get to college first and then re-think your life plans, it s foolish to commit to anything at this stage. Yes, but I would imagine getting a headstart would be beneficial as it would be in other fields Also, it seems that admission to the Ivies and elite colleges is growing more dependent on a demonstrated focus on a few interests rather than a well-roundedness Would it be better to explore my genuine academic interests passions, postponing thoughts of Wall Street until college That would require branding myself in a totally new light. What is trading like anyway What do most of the trader s from elite colleges at top firms make compensation Thanks. Honestly I am too far removed from college admissions to give a good answer there as it was much different when I applied Trading see everything here under Sales Trading. The material that you post about the different fields within finance is very informative and helpful. I am currently work in a big four accounting firm in North America, I have worked in audit for 3 5 years, I have a Chartered Accounting designation equivalent of a CPA and I currently have the opportunity to shift into Transaction Services Due diligence, etc in my firm. However, my goal is to land a job in sales trading with a bank and I wanted to ask you for advice on the best way to make this transition i e what further education to pursue, how to improve my candidacy considering my current profile Also, I wanted to know what weight a CA or CPA along with audit experience in a big four accounting firm carries in the banking world trading, ibanking, PE. Thank yo u very very much. CA CPA does not really matter for those fields, they re the most applicable for banking though At this stage it s almost easier to go work for a small prop trading firm first and then move to a bank you could do TAS M A Trading but that is much less direct. Thank you for your response.1 I like your idea of going to a proprietary trading firm as it will supply me with experience in trading that I can use later in transferring to the trading arm of an investment bank However, are there any criteria by which to judge which proprietary trading firms should be joined and which not to join, i e only join ones that would open up doors for me in the future and not limit my future opportunities.2 How do proprietary trading firms advertise their postings, on general finance websites do you have any in mind or are there specific websites or other mediums which they use to advertise their job postings.3 Why would it be TAS M A Trading, what is the logic behind following this proces s What value does the M A experience add and does it have a strong weight in entering into trading.1 It s almost impossible since they disclose so little information try to join one that actually pays a base salary.2 Job posting sites, networking and referrals headhunters are not too common.3 At least M A shows that you can work at a bank and lets you meet traders at the bank, so you can network more easily. I can t tell you how helpful this site has been for me I have received an offer from a boutique bank and I m not sure I would have been prepared if it had not been for this site Also, I was wondering where you see a smaller bank s bonus to be I know you estimated 60-70 in an earlier article but I don t really see them offering that to me What do you feel a firm around 500 people will offer to a first year analyst. Thanks again for all your helpmodity Trading Advisor CTA. A CTA is an individual or organization which, for compensation or profit, advises others as to the value of or the advisability of buying or selling futures contracts, options on futures, retail off-exchange forex contracts or swaps. Providing advice includes exercising trading authority over a customer s account as well as giving advice based upon knowledge of or tailored to customer s particular commodity interest account, particular commodity interest trading activity, or other similar types of information. Registration is required unless. You have provided advice to 15 or fewer persons during the past 12 months and do not generally hold yourself out to the public as a CTA or. You are in one of a number of businesses or professions listed in the Commodity Exchange Act or are registered in another capacity and your advice is solely incidental to your principal business or profession or. You are providing advice that is not based upon knowledge of or tailored to customer s particular commodity interest account, particular commodity interest trading activity, or other similar types of information, such as, for example. You make recommendations, such as advice to buy or sell specific futures contracts should a particular price level be reached, through newsletters, books and periodicals The advice includes specific recommendations and the recipients of publications all receive the same advice or. You provide specific advice through e-mails, facsimiles, an Internet web site, telephone calls or face-to-face meetings with customers consisting of instructions to buy or sell a futures contract based on a computerized trading system, which also is available for purchase and use on a personal computer, and the customers all receive the same advice or. You conduct seminars at which you teach attendees how to trade commodity futures contracts aided by a software program that you sell and you invite seminar attendees to participate in a question-and-answer session at which you provide commodity trading advice without asking or receiving information about the personal characteristics of the attende es. All registered CTAs who manage or exercise discretion over customer accounts must be Members of NFA in order to conduct futures or swaps business with the public. CTA is required to file the following. A completed online Form 7-R includes NFA membership sections. A non-refundable application fee of 200 00.Annual Questionnaire. CTA Membership Dues, if applicable of 750 00.A CTA is required to file applications for its Principals and Associated Persons. A completed online Form 8-R. Fingerprint Cards. Proficiency Requirements. A non refundable Principal Application Fee of 85 00.A non refundable Associated Person Application Fee of 85 00.Additionally, all registered CTAs engaged in retail off-exchange forex activities are required to. Apply to become a forex firm by completing online Form 7-R. Have at least one principal that is also an approved Forex Associated Person. Submit payment of CTA Forex Firm membership dues of 2,500 or surcharge of 1,750 if applicant is already an NFA Member. Additionall y, all registered CTAs engaged in swap transactions are required to. Apply to become a swap firm by completing online Form 7-R. Have at least one principal that is also an approved Swap Associated Person. Biaya aplikasi tidak diperlukan jika individu saat ini terdaftar dengan CFTC dalam kapasitas apapun atau terdaftar sebagai principal dari pendaftar CFTC saat ini. Selain itu, hanya satu biaya aplikasi yang diperlukan jika individu tersebut mengajukan aplikasi sebagai Associated Person Dan Kepala Sekolah. Klik di sini jika Anda belum memiliki akses ke Sistem Pendaftaran Online. Quick Link. Fitur Informasi. NFA menerbitkan beberapa panduan untuk membantu CTA memenuhi persyaratan peraturan mereka Kunjungi perpustakaan publikasi NFA untuk daftar lengkap. Spesifikasi Khusus. CTA adalah Diperlukan untuk mengajukan dokumen pengungkapan mereka dengan NFA secara elektronik menggunakan sistem DDOC NFA Klik di sini untuk informasi lebih lanjut.


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